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Jordan Perrin

In what language write your Operation Manual (O.M) to fly in the entire European Union?

You are a drone operator in Europe and you are wondering in which language to write your Operations Manual (O.M - formerly known as MANEX) to be able to fly freely throughout the European Union (plus Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Iceland and Norway) in the Specific category?

This article guides you to ensure the compliance of your documentation and facilitate your cross-border operations by avoiding the risk of fines.

What is an O.M?

The Operation Manual is one of the 14 essential documents for drone operators.

The O.M is a document providing all information to the drone operator’s staff, including remote drone pilots, to conduct a safe operation. It is mandatory for the specific category, however may be a good practice also in the open category when an operator employs several remote pilots. This specifies, the skill for the remote pilot, type of drones, limitations and conditions to be applied and the procedures implemented to satisfy all the operational safety objectives (OSO) of the risk assessment (SORA) or the conditions of the European standard scenarios or predefined risk assessment (PDRAs).

From pilot identification number to competency certifications, including certificates of conformity for your drones, if you want to know more about the other documents necessary for drone piloting, this video will enlighten you.

The importance of language for your European M.O

According to the principles of the European Union, every EU citizen has the right to express themselves in their national language. However, when it comes to operations carried out in another member state, it is not realistic to require the authority of that country to understand all EU languages.

In this context, we contacted the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to obtain their guidelines.

Confirmation from the EASA

As Natale (Lino) Di Rubbo, Project Manager – Drones at the EASA, explained:

"When operations are conducted in a state different from the one of operation, it is not possible to require that the authority of the state of operation understand all EU languages. For this reason EASA suggests the documentation to be developed in English. Same applies for the non-EU operators."

EASA therefore recommends that the documentation be written in English if you operate in the territories of the European Union, whether you are an EU citizen operator or not.

Why write your M.O in English?

1. Facilitate approval by authorities:

By writing your Operations Manual in English, you ensure that authorities in other Member States will be able to understand and approve your documentation. This way you avoid the risk of fines (for example for France up to 75,000 euros in fines, or temporary suspension of licences) but also you avoid verification delays which can complicate the logistics of your projects.

2. Reduce the risk of misunderstanding:

Standardised documentation in English reduces the risk of misunderstandings and operational errors.

3. Operate internationally:

If you plan to fly outside the EU, English remains the universal language of aviation, potentially opening more doors to global operations.

Why choose Immersive Ambition?

Immersive Ambition provides you with a complete service for writing Operations Manuals in English and/or French, valid in all countries of the European Union, and we don't stop there...

After receiving your M.O by email, we will assist you free of charge if you have the slightest problem during a documentary check by making the modifications for you.

Simplify the writing of your Operations Manual:

Our simple and intuitive form helps you draft an O.M that complies with the EASA requirements and is ready for your international operations.

To find out more and start writing your Operations Manual, visit

Other common queries from drone operators

Our clients often seek answers to the following questions:

- **European operation manual written in what language?**

- **Drone manual in what language?**

- **MANEX to fly in Europe in what language?**

- **How to write your Drone Operation Manual?**

- **How to fly throughout the EU with your drone?**

- **Write manual for specific drone category?**

For complete answers on these topics, check out our blog or for personalized support, contact us via chat.


Writing your Operations Manual in English is not only a practical requirement but also an asset for the expansion of your operations on a European and global scale. Trust Immersive Ambition to support you in this essential process for the success of your flight missions."

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